Tuesday 6 December 2016

The group of polymers

The group of polymers
Synthetic polymers can be divided into three separate class - thermoplastic, heat-resistant and elastomers.
Thermoplastics, such as polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), can be repeatedly soften when heated. This is because the chain molecules in them are moveable relative to each other. The mobility increases with increasing temperature. In heat-resistant polymers (bakelite and epoxy resin) cross-links between the chains inhibit this process, so they when heated, not softened.
Elastomers - rubber and similar polymers, natural and synthetic rubber. To obtain the necessary number of links between the molecular chains of these materials are subjected to special treatment. As a result, they gain flexibility, i.e. the ability to be stretched, and after removal of the load to take its original shape.


The demand for wood is always great: she's on hand spraying, just to give a desired form, the details of the wood are easily attached to each other, and the products have a beautiful look.
Each type of wood gives a unique fibration of the wood with its natural pattern. This pattern is evident for the longitudinal cutting of the barrel when the outcrop of the internal structure of the wood fibers and cells.
Another specific feature of the surface of the wood has labels irregular round or oval shape. The outline of each such a bitch depend on the angle at which the sawed timber. Bitches come across where the trunk of the tree to leave the branch. Every living branch over time if grows in the barrel, and educated it swirls harden in his column; conversely, each dead branch forms a knot, which during the processing is eliminated.

Hard and soft wood

Hard and soft wood
The wood is hard or soft. Give soft wood conifers - pine, spruce, fir, dads, and hard - deciduous, particularly beech, birch, maple, oak and poplar. In the tropics solid wood is produced from black ebony, mahogany, teak and other valuable species. Beautiful to look at and also solid wood has always been appreciated in the circle of manufacturers and buyers of furniture. Unfortunately, the trees of firm breeds grow slowly, and in the rainforests they are becoming less. For example, in Thailand in 1945. tropical forests accounted for 70% of all land, and by 1989 this figure had fallen to 18%; therefore, the Thai government banned logging. In many industrialized countries, there are calls on the reduction of import solid wood.


Usually, the trees are felled with the aid of powerful circular saws, then cut off the branches and dumped them on the treatment site for further transportation, involving cranes, crawler tractors, bulldozers. If the wood is to be transported by land, using cranes load it on a wheeled transport, although in India and Burma, to drag felled trees, as in ancient times used elephants.
In some regions the forest is easier to float along the rivers; felled trees are to the rafts and push the water by means of cranes. Then hundreds of rafts linked together and towed to sorting and labelling. In remote areas, where rivers no traffic, just the logs floated downstream up to the destination party wood.
In many countries, especially those where the harvest solid wood, not enough powerful technique for the cutting of the forest. For timber in logs export to the industrialized countries for wood processing plants.
The timber mill deck primarily free from bark, and then mechanical saws cut into billets of a certain size. At this stage of processing, the wood still contains SAP and require drying. A natural process is possible, but takes almost a year of time, so the wood normally sent to a quick lesso drying in special dryers. As a result of such artificial drying, shrinkage occurs and sometimes even warping of the wood; therefore, wood is processed only after the complete drying, when it becomes relatively stable (assuming again wet).
Sawn timber for further processing to be used in the construction and surfaces from the outside, require proof. Often, the boards transmit to longitudinal cutting, painting or etching the surface of the boards. Attractive wood is cut into very thin sheets - a veneer facing that he then glued to the base of plain wood.
Plywood consists of several sheets of wood glued together so that the fibers of adjacent sheets formed a right angle. Plywood sheet is much stronger made of ordinary wood, it is difficult to bend and split; the probability of warping is also negligible.
In the woodworking industry wastes little man found a use for everything. The slats of wood of low quality is placed between sheets of high quality wood, producing Blockboard and residual scrap is crushed into sawdust impregnated with glue and compressed to particleboard - wood chipboard plate.


Ancient crafts, such as masonry, as before play an important role during the construction of houses. However, modern methods of shotcrete (layer-by-layer sketches) of the concrete mix or the installation of prefabricated structures require new knowledge and skills.
The oldest homes were built of locally available materials: branches, turf, stones and clay. All this can be cut and trim to give the desired shape with the help of primitive tools like stone axes and knives. Adobe bricks, fashioned by hand from clay with addition of straw and dried in the sun, was first used in the Eastern Mediterranean about 6000 years BC that was a significant step forward.

Brick house

Brick house
A lot of people around the world live in brick houses. Typical house of brick stands on a strip Foundation of concrete, poured into the pits. The Foundation covered with a layer of so-called concrete preparation. Flooring on the ground level can be concrete or wooden floorboards, laid across the ceiling beams. The ends of these beams rest on the outer walls of the house. Support joists of the first floor also serve as intermediate low brick wall built on a concrete preparation, over which is placed a wooden beam - lag. The floorboards are fastened by nails at right angles to the joists.
The ceiling usually consists of beams between the walls to which the bottom with nails to fasten the sheets of drywall. The boardwalk top floor nailed on top of the ceiling beams of the first floor. In older homes first nailed wooden slats (lath) across the ceiling beams. Between the strips leave gaps when attached to the plaster it could seep between them. After hardening of the mortar, the plaster firmly against the rail.
The wooden frame of the roof rests on the walls of the capital, the top is covered with a waterproof material such as roofing material. Across the roof lay the pieces of wood and nailed them to the inclined bars. Slate or tiles are fastened with nails or staples to Latham.
Partitions divide the building into rooms, but do not support design. They can be built of brick, lined with concrete blocks or stucco, nailed to a wooden frame.
Door frame is usually made of wood and window frames of wood, steel or aluminum. Over door and window openings shall be beams (lintels). They serve the upper leg of masonry which might otherwise SAG and collapse. Nowadays, jumpers are made of steel or concrete. In some houses put a wooden lintel.

Wood-frame house

Wood-frame house
While most of the work during the construction of a brick house, you need to perform on the building site, wooden frame houses can be mounted from prefabricated structures. Such standard elements as the frame units and wall panels are manufactured in factories. This greatly reduces the time that is spent on house construction, as most of the work on site is producing large prefabricated structures.
In areas where not enough timber frame cased with boards. In other cases, a wooden frame can carry the wall panels of concrete.

The use of concrete

The use of concrete
Now instead of fixing pre-cast concrete panels to the frame is applied layer by layer throwing him on the concrete with subsequent retention. In some cases, the concrete had been sprayed on the lightweight precast frame, which plays a role of reinforcement. In another system used shotcrete concrete contains tiny fibres that give it even more strength. Concrete has become one of the most important materials for the manufacture of prefabricated structures such as beams and columns, floor slabs and roofs, staircases, cladding wall panels and load-bearing structure of the walls. In some structural systems, such wall elements support the weight of the entire building and there is no need in the bearing frame of columns and beams. Concrete panel exterior walls come from the factory ready with a decorative veneer and is often inserted by Windows.

The reinforcement of fiberglass

The reinforcement of fiberglass
The individual elements are made on-site by pouring concrete into wooden forms (formwork) reusable. Recently appeared encasement of glass-fiber-reinforced concrete. This formwork becomes an integral part of the design of the house. It simply sets in the desired location and pour concrete.
One of the most common ways in high-rise construction is a method of the console Assembly from the Central hollow of the trunk of reinforced concrete, which are often available Elevator shaft. The Foundation for such a home is usually done in the form of massive concrete mortar. Concrete barrel built on this base plate, and a steel or concrete frame then mounted on massive beams projecting from the barrel.
Steel load-bearing frame elements are preferably I-beams. They provide greater stiffness of beams at their relatively low weight compared to expensive steel beams. In addition to high-rise buildings, steel frames are used for the construction of small industrial and commercial buildings, low-rise apartment buildings and ordinary houses.


Many of the core elements of modern road construction developed by the Romans, who were famous for their engineering and build roads with solid Foundation, good drainage and a smooth surface.
Road network the Romans had been carefully planned, and on the main lines were equipped with stop like a modern service stations on motorways. After the decline of the Roman Empire the roads are not maintained in proper condition and gradually collapsed. However, a lot of trails that were used by the Romans, make today a basis of a considerable part of the European network of highways.
In England the science of road building flourished in the early nineteenth century. Thanks to the efforts of the Scottish engineers Thomas Telford and John Macadam. Telford supervised the construction of more Books roads and 1,200 bridges. And macadam, except for roads, published works on their building and invented a road surface known as tarmacadam, or tar concrete.
The expansion of the Railways interrupted the development of road construction in England, but interest resumed in the late nineteenth century. In connection with the invention of the car. The increase in the number of vehicles demanded the creation of a new road network. Therefore, in the early 1950s, the British began the construction of the motorway network.

Road works

Road works
On some sites you will first need to demolish houses and other structures that impede construction. After that, proceed to one of the main processes - the excavation and moving huge amounts of soil and rocks, and up to tens of millions of tons.
That the line lay on a horizontal surface, large masses of soil from the raised territories pour in low-lying areas. This method is called working with the bookmark. Taken while routing the top layer of soil is used to cover road shoulders, embankments, and the Central dividing strips, and then planted with a grass and other vegetation.
To drain water to the edges of the road surface has a convex shape (curvature profile). At the beginning of construction for water collection laid for a powerful drainage system.
There are three major components of the pavement: the underlying surface, the base and cover, all together, they determine the stiffness of the coating. A hard surface made of concrete slabs, the joints between them filled with plastic sealant, which provides elasticity in the case of fluctuations of loads on the track. Not hard - cover "black gravel", i.e. a mixture of crushed stone or sand with coal tar or petroleum bitumen. Such coatings are called "tarmacadam" or "macadami with bitumen impregnation". Road surface bitumen also known as asphalt, and both versions (with Degteva and bitumen impregnation) is called the asphalt.
The coatings of both types of the underlying surface consists of compacted crushed stone or gravel. The basis of roads that are paved, usually concrete, and with unsteady from the "black gravel".


The modern agricultural machinery plays the important role in the production of food. Using these mechanisms one man can in a day to accomplish the scope of work, with which before mechanisation introduction could handle only whole brigade for a week.
Perhaps the most known representative of agricultural cars is the tractor created for the first time in the late nineteenth century to replace a horse. He didn't protect the tractor operator from the weather, and all conveniences were reduced to presence of an emphasis for feet and a rigid metal seat. Later there were seats on springs and the guards, which in some measure protected the driver from mud and dust, flying from under big driving wheels. But then nothing could save him from death or serious injury if the tractor overturned on a sloping plot of land.

The new design of tractors

The new design of tractors
In the beginning of 19b0 th years of the last century on tractors there were seats with pillows and similarity of cabins for creation of more comfortable working conditions of tractor operators. However, such cabs have been linked to another kind of inconveniences - noise. The covering from sheet metal like a sound pickup strengthened noise of the engine, transmission and hydraulic system to such an extent that it affected the health of the tractor operator.
Since then the cabin has changed significantly. New tractor cab protects the driver from weather, noise and overturning consequences. Almost all of them are Soundproofed, comfortable seats, heating and ventilation, windscreen wipers and a quick control.
The majority of tractors the engine and transmission form uniform rigid skeleton of all car and consequently there is no need for a separate frame. The engine power is from 15 to 190 kW and above, however, in tractors is approximately from 22 to 90 kW.
Usually on tractors the diesel set engines providing a drive on back or on all four wheels. In addition, engines rotate shaft of selection the capacities which are the reason for trailed implements or those that are mounted on the tractor, and also for the hydraulic systems that control these guns.
The basic agricultural tool, the plow. Its purpose is much like a shovel - flip to, to loosen and grind the top layer of soil, at the same time burying crop residues and weeds. In the modern mechanised agriculture a plough cling to a tractor though in many countries, as before, use a simple plough to which put horses or bulls.
Before to sow grain in the ploughed earth, you need to perform the final stage of the preparatory work. Just as the gardener uses the rake to prepare the ground for planting, the farmer uses a harrow for alignment of the ploughed earth and destruction of weeds.
One more kind of cars for preparation of soil and destruction of weeds - a cultivator supplied with steel teeths, or ploughshares for loosening the earth. The milling cultivator, whose tines or the blade are at the leading of the shaft, can be used for preparation of preliminary not ploughed soil.
Today many cultures sow by means of cars which loosen soil, put in it seeds on the set depth and through certain intervals and then covered it with soil. Such cars sow at once some numbers.

The harvest

The harvest
Now harvesting a variety of crops, including root crops (potatoes) and fruit (grapes and wine grades of apples) mechanized. One of the first and the most important machines of this type was the harvester, which is used during the harvesting of grain crops (wheat). This is a self-propelled combine which mows, separates grain from straw, removes the husk, the grain falls asleep in the truck that accompanies it, and dumps straw on the earth.
Straw is often classified as waste and believe that it fit only on a laying cattle or as the rough fodder additive for it.
Usually for transportation and storage straw is Packed in bales. This is done using solomokopnitel machines, towed by a tractor and pick up the straw left combines, press it in bales and knit a twine. The grass the same way you can knit in bales, and the received hay to store as a forage for livestock.
An important achievement in the field of processing of raw materials in agriculture in recent years was the introduction of "big bales", weighing about 500 kg. Machine can easily cope with them, allowing you to spend much less time cleaning straw from the fields. Solomokopnitel collects it, loads it into the chamber where it is Packed into bales, and then this bale ties with a twine and throws out.

Crop processing

Crop processing
After harvesting for its processing and storage require different machines, such as trailers, Vilkaste forklifts, conveyors and machines for separating potatoes from soil and stones. Potatoes are often harvested when the ground is wet, and if it is grown on rocky soil, the crop gets a large number of stones and lumps of earth. Wet soil can lead to rotting potatoes, and stones can beat, flaked or cut.
Potatoes can be separated from the earth by the sieve, through which sifted the earth. The stones can be removed manually, however, this transaction is expensive, given the costs of labor.
The possible decision is connected with use of x-rays. Harvest moving conveyor and, falling, passes through bunches of the x-rays that the difference in density between stones and potatoes. Upon detection of stones pnevmoshchup catches them, skipping the potatoes. Such technologies that save labour is widespread, as farmers try to maintain low prices 5 their products in a competitive environment.

Mechanical watch

Mechanical watch
The first mechanical clock appeared in Europe around 1275, however, the name of the inventor is unknown to us. Suspended on a cord cargo spun the wheel, it was put in action the mechanism of hours, which each hour the ting. Soon, in hours came hands and dial. Which showed time.
The important detail of hours - escapement device, which limits the speed of the mechanism through step-by-step rotation of the toothed wheel. A speed controller operates a timer that ensures the desired speed of the clock.
The course of antique mechanical clocks were regulated by a balance wheel, which consisted of a bar with counterweights on both ends, which was attached to a vertical rod. The rocker swayed in front of back, its vibrations are transmitted to the speed controller, and that regulated the speed of rotation of the mechanism.


About 1330 in Italy was a striking clock in which the number of blows corresponded to each hour. And around 1475, was invented by a clock-spring plant. This led to the development of portable watches that were impossible for machines with weights.
Until the XVI century. Watches had only one hour, to an arrow. Share hours can be determined only approximately. It worked for most people. However, the astronomers needed more accurate recording of their observations. The result is a watch with minute, and some even with a second hand. Watch, which was regulated by the folio, was inaccurate, but the accuracy of the computation time increased significantly with the appearance in the XVII century the pendulum clock.

Modern clock

Modern clock
Some modern stationary and watches are still manufactured with mechanical drive, however the electric and electronic watches have become the norm. In many electric clock move arrows provides a motor which works on AC current with frequency of 50-60 Hz. A similar principle of work and some digital electronic clock, but they show the time on a digital light Board. The electronic wristwatch needs its own regulator, and this role often plays the quartz crystal which provides a nearly constant frequency of vibration under the action of electricity. The vibrating crystal generates precise time the electrical impulses that control the display of electronic figures or movement of mechanical arrows. Most inpatient hours also work on quartz crystals.
Quartz watch gives a very high accuracy up to 1 /30 seconds per day, but that's yesterday's news compared to atomic clocks that use the frequency of radiation of atoms of some elements (e.g., cesium) and provide an electronic indication of time with an error of less than one second per thousand years. Such clocks are used in experiments that require accurate timing, and to determine the time: today the second is defined as the length of time for which an atom of cesium-133 emit of 9 192 631 770 impulses to certain specific conditions.

Accuracy of the pendular mechanism

Accuracy of the pendular mechanism
In 1580-e G. Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) discovered, enhancing the isochronism of pendulum oscillations. A year before his death, he drew up a plan to use a pendulum to regulate clocks, and only in 1649 by his son Vincenzo and the mechanic at the name Balestri did finally watch Galileo. Subsequently, the perfect design of such a clock was developed by Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens in the late 1650's, so the pendulum has proven itself reliable and accurate speed controller, and the daily error of standard hours has decreased from several minutes to ten seconds.
Another view of the regulator of the watch was created in 1658 when Robert hook invented the spring balance wheel or hair-spring. This thin coil spring was attached to the so-called balancer. Spring turns twisted and untwisted depending on the direction of motion of the balancer. This movement is allowed to operate a speed controller. The main advantage of the balance weight in comparison with the pendulum was the fact that his work was influenced much less by moving the watch. So it became possible to manufacture more smaller and more accurate pocket watches.
At the beginning of the XVIII century, new geographical discoveries and expansion of world trade resulted in a sharp increase in the number of long voyages. For successful sailing sailors needed an accurate method of determining the location of the own ship. The hardest part was to define a longitude - number of degrees East or West of the Greenwich Meridian. It needed an accurate timepiece showing the time in Greenwich mean time (England). But pitching courts stopped the pendulum and the clock with balance escapement was inaccurate in the extreme temperatures that adversely affected the work of the delicate hair springs.

Gregorian calendar

Gregorian calendar
First, the Julian calendar had no complaints, but gradually found that year lasts for 11 minutes less, than counted. This error was corrected in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, who decreed the day 5 October 15 Oct. Otherwise the calendar date more and more would not coincide with certain seasons. To exclude such error in the future, he also gave the order century years (at the turn of the century) to be leap-year only when they are divided by 400 without a remainder. This Gregorian calendar is still used in Western countries.
Night and day was the shortest periods of time known to our ancestors. A more accurate calculation of time appeared about 4000 p. n. e., when ancient Egyptians divided the time of day on the clock. The first timepiece was the sundial, consisting mainly of the column which is stuck into the ground so that it cast a shadow on the dial with hour divisions. When the sun moved across the sky, the shadow of the column moved on a scale and showed time.


The rotation of the Earth and moon determines the duration of years, seasons, months, and days. The cycle of rotation of the Earth around the Sun is one year. During this time, the stars are replaced by other in the night sky, and in weather there are seasonal changes.
Once was discovered this sequence of events, people learned to extract from their observations of practical use. For example, the appearance of a certain star meant that the time has come for Seva. The ancient Egyptians knew; the annual flooding of the Nile always began soon after the appearance on the horizon of a star Sirius.

The Phases Of The Moon

The Phases Of The Moon
For the month characterized by the mode of change in the visible part of the moon during its passage along the orbit around the Earth. These different stages are called phases. Within a month the light of the stars falls on the surface of the moon at different angles. When the Sun lights a Month back, it's actually not visible from Earth, this phase is called the new month (the new moon). A half - cycle of the observed full month (or full moon) as seen from the Earth a portion of its surface facing the Sun. The basis of the Roman calendar was based on lunar month the time during which the Moon goes through a complete cycle of changes.
The length of a day is determined by Earth's rotation around its axis, and it seems to us that the Sun rises and sets. The difficulty in compiling the calendar is that the year is not a whole number of days, but about 365.25 days. 45 G. B. E. Julius Caesar solved this problem and introduced a calendar in which after three years of 365 days each was a 366-day leap year.


The main drawback of the solar hours was the fact that it was impossible to use at night and on cloudy days. This problem was eventually solved around 1500 to n. e, when the Egyptians invented the clepsydra, or water clock. The simplest form of such a clock consisted of a vessel with a small hole at the bottom. Filled in a vessel of water slowly flowed through a hole and the water level relative to the marked scale indicates the time that has passed.
The Sunny hours came the sand in which the sand is poured through the narrowing part of the glass vessel, showing after a certain period of time, often a half hour or an hour. Today the miniature hourglass is used in the home while cooking eggs.
To time also used a candle. Notches on wax showed how long hours from time of inflammation. Candles were widely used for timekeeping, but was not an exact instrument, because different wicks, wax varieties and thrust affect the burning rate.

Chronometer Harrison

Chronometer Harrison
The problem was so serious that in 1714 the British government established the award in 20 thousand pounds to anyone who can offer an accurate method of determining longitude during navigation. The accuracy should be so high that, if we were talking about the clock, its daily error was not to exceed three seconds for six weeks. The award went to the carpenter John Harrison who designed several timepieces - accurate clocks at sea. In 17б0 in the competition won its fourth model. During one voyage the accuracy of his watch was only 54 seconds for 156 days. Harrison found a way in which temperature fluctuations change the effective length of the terminal curve of the spring, providing automatic compensation for previous errors.


Rocket racketi was originally used as a weapon. Today, these powerful, giant machines used for human flight in outer space and the orbit of artificial satellites and various equipment. However, missiles with warheads continue to pose a threat to life on Earth.
The first missile was launched about 800 years ago. At the beginning of the XIII century it was used by the Chinese against the Mongols. As in modern fireworks, the driving force of the Chinese missiles was the powder charge. Attached to the spears or arrows missiles was a terrible weapon. The Mongols were shocked, but recovered and set up their own rocket for the war with the Arabs. Until the middle of XIII century of a rocket were and Arabs. French crusaders brought them to Europe.

Missiles in Europe

Missiles in Europe
In 1429 French troops under the command of Jeanne d'arc with the help of rockets to defend Orleans in the battle against the British. Subsequently, the missiles were replaced by more accurate weapons - guns.
Starting from the XVI century rockets were used in celebratory fireworks, first in Italy and then in other European countries. And only in the late eighteenth century, they were again used in combat. In 1792, British troops in India came under fire small metal missiles, their effectiveness was so great that Colonel Congreve decided to create a missile weapon for British troops. In 1804 he made a simple rocket to extremely destructive weapons with explosive or incendiary warhead. But the accuracy of this weapon remained low until about 1844, when the Englishman William Hale invented stabilization method: the curved vanes in the nozzle forced the missile to spin during flight, which gave her stability.

Rocket fuel

Rocket fuel
In most rockets using solid or liquid fuel is burned in a closed space, and the resulting gases released through one or more nozzles of relatively small diameter. The necessary combustion oxygen can be obtained from chemical compounds, for example potassium nitrate. In modern rocket engines, liquid oxygen is commonly used for burning such fuels as kerosene, liquid hydrogen or hydrazine (nitrogen-hydrogen compound).
Rocket engine solid fuel (SRM) are widely used due to its simplicity and reliability. They are installed on most military missiles are some boosters of space vehicles and sometimes as the engine parts of multi-stage rockets. However, for complex space missions give preference to LRE because they create thrust is easily adjustable. In addition, for the same weight of fuel a rocket engine provide more thrust and acceleration than solid propellant motors.

Artificial satellites

Artificial satellites
These missiles gave the Soviet scientists to display small objects in Earth's orbit. In October 1957, the audible signals from a tiny artificial satellite launched by USSR "Sputnik-1" has announced the beginning of the space age.
After four months in the United States under the leadership of von Braun was made the corresponding run. The influence of the ideas of this scientist continued until the introduction of the program "Apollo" which involved a giant three-stage rocket "Saturn-5", to deliver American astronauts to the moon in 1969
According to the third Newton's law (the law of action and reaction) to every action corresponds an equal and opposite reaction. This means that if you jump from a small boat on shore, the energy of your jump pushes the boat from the shore. Rockets use the same principle. They move due to the ejection flow of the material (usually gas). The effect of the energy causes a reaction gas relative to the rocket and causes it to fly. Unlike jet engines, which need air for burning fuel in rockets has everything you need for movement is a self - contained apparatus able to move in space.

Motors at the molecular particles

Motors at the molecular particles
Other proposed variants include the fusion of hydrogen in the plasma gas stream of charged particles. Using a magnetic field, the plasma is displaced from the engine and creates thrust. Another idea is to use the electric field for emission from the engine of ions (charged atoms) of mercury or cesium. The tests confirmed the efficiency of this system, although created with this pull incredibly had only 1 kg for every 4 million watts of electricity consumed. However, with the gradual acceleration over many months, such a missile in the end can develop huge speed.
Previously considered another possibility, which came to mind science fiction writers, photon engine produces thrust by radiation of the flux of light quanta. However, just a focused beam of light produced by the photon thrust will not be able to compete even with minimal thrust ion engine.

Studies in the United States

Studies in the United States
American pioneer in the field of missile technology was the physicist Robert Goddard, who led in 1920 a group of enthusiasts they managed to launch the world's first rocket with liquid rocket in 1926, the Group continued to make a significant contribution to the rocket until the death of Goddard in 1945, that's when world war II ended with the defeat of Germany, the USSR and the USA gained access to missile technology and assistance from their developers.
In addition to "V-1" during world war II used a small tactical missiles that were launched from the aircraft or from the ground. The worsening cold war between the USA and the USSR in 1950-e g has led to the creation of strategic missiles of Intercontinental carriers of nuclear weapons.

The range of missiles

The range of missiles
Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky realized the importance of multi-stage rockets and in 1883 proved that with their help it is possible to fly into space. Thanks to its solid theoretical activities in this field Tsiolkovsky later became known as the father of Astronautics. However, before such flights were still far away, and rockets were used for a different purpose.
During world war 1 (1914-18) Britain was hit by German airships to rockets. After the war, the result of unflagging interest in rocketry caused by the works of Tsiolkovsky, the Soviet Union's first officially supported development of military missile technology. In 1929, research was started to implement in the Leningrad laboratory of gas dynamics. In 1933, this organization together with the Moscow group of jet propulsion study (gird) has created a rocket with liquid rocket engine (LRE), which set the altitude record (5.6 km) in 1936 In 1927 a group of German engineers organized by the Society for spaceflight. Under pressure from the Nazis, this organization was disbanded in 1934, but some scientists continued their research for military purposes. Thus were laid the foundations of the leadership of German rocketry during world war II (1939-45). The world's first ballistic missile "V-1" was created by the great German rocket scientist Werner von Braun. She was used to bombard England in 1944-45 G.

The receptors of smell

The receptors of smell
As far as we can tell, all of the olfactory cells, which act as receptors recognized by the smell of chemicals, exactly the same, so it remains a mystery how they distinguish between thousands of diverse scents.
For many centuries people have identified six "core" scents: floral, fruity, smell, spicy, resinous (like turpentine) and the smell of burning.
To have odor, a substance must vaporize microscopic particles. The smallest building blocks of any substance are molecules, and it is believed that the olfactory cells are able to differentiate molecules by their shape.

Particles and odor

Particles and odor
The more particles produces a substance, the stronger the smell. For example, boiling on the stove chicken soup smells stronger than cold chicken on the plate, because with the steam in the air gets more smelly particles. They are recognized as smells through its ability to dissolve in water. Under the influence of heat in the air gets more particles, and the moisture contained in the air provides them with a high concentration, therefore in a warm and humid atmosphere, the smells intensify. Perhaps you yourself have noticed that after a summer of more rain smell the flowers in the garden; or a pinch of bath salts produces hot water stronger flavor than a dry packing.

Taste buds

Taste buds
The receptors pick up signals from dissolved chemicals that make up our food are called taste papillae. This accumulation of microscopic cells or nerve endings, on a tiny gorbich on the tongue, palate and larynx. Each taste papilla is a cluster of more than 50 cells connected with the brain by nerve fibers. All taste buds are able to distinguish four basic tastes. Some of them serve as basic cells, and the rest of the taste. In the same way as the receptors of smell, each taste cell has a tiny hair. The outer rim of the taste buds are connected to nerves prikosatsya, so that the taste and sensation of food in the mouth are closely linked. Hearing the debate about which tastes better beef - sliced thin or thick slices, you can think: and what, exactly, is the difference? However, the feeling of food language depends on its taste.


The taste is much more well-known than the smell, and it is considered that the basic tastes are only four: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. After years of research and debate, most scientists are inclined to recognition of the fifth taste "umami", which have long been familiar with Japanese and Chinese chefs. The presence of this salty broth taste ensures the presence of monosodium glutamate (naturally found in the seaweed kombu, Italian cheese Parmesan cheese and soy sauce). But all the wealth of shades of what is called taste, olfactory we owe. Perhaps you have noticed that when a strong cold sense of smell for the time lost and the food becomes tasteless. But the fact that when cold you get the information about the taste just from the language. As shown by experiments, trying out products only in the language, a person does not even distinguishes peeled apples from potatoes.
Being essentially a reaction to the chemicals, the taste is largely the relative olfactory. Like odorous chemical compounds, the substances that give us the sense of taste must be dissolved. When only dry food is dissolved by saliva, we can determine its taste. The presence of salt is determined very quickly, because it quickly dissolves in saliva. More complex composition of substances dissolved in the mouth longer, and so the taste we feel is not as fast as salt.

The structure of language

The structure of language
Responds better to sweet the tip (tip) of the tongue, sour on - its side edges, to the salt - region adjacent to the tip and bitter - root region. Like the buds smell, all taste buds are similar to each other, but in different parts of the language they are differently grouped. Still it remains a mystery how these cells perceive different stimuli. Scientists believe that the body develops so-called receptive substances, which feels differences in taste. So far in the experiments on animals were discovered only proteins that act as receptors of bitter and sweet. It is not excluded that different parts of language produce different amounts of receptor agonists. Although a clear understanding about how this happens scientists have not yet, but I'm pretty confident to assume that coming into contact with dissolved chemicals, the taste buds give out a corresponding electrical impulse which goes through the nerves to the brain.

Tasty or not

Tasty or not
Besides taste, our idea of what we eat affects a whole bunch of impressions. First of all gases emitted during the chewing of food, the rise in the nasal cavity, affecting the sense of smell. Has the value and structure of food. Connect to the process temperature and pain because spicy food stimulates pain receptors (maznevski cheese in the face, you will feel on the skin the same burning sensation as in language). The receptors of touch and pressure suggest that we have in your mouth crispy or cream, hard food or soft ears perceive the sounds that occur while chewing food. And of course, the memory we will long remember a dish that disgusted.
Finally, the eyes tell about the appearance of a dish, and we return to them in memory. You can spend with your friends an interesting experiment, trying something on taste blindfold. For example you'll discover that you can not distinguish orange juice from the grapefruit, not seeing or imagining in advance the taste.


Moving and hitting each other, objects vibrate and create vibrations that are transmitted through the air. Vibrations perceived by the ear and converted to sounds of different intensity from the noise of the falling pins to revise supersonic aircraft, which takes off.
We hear because our ears respond to sound waves - slight change of air pressure. The ear converts these waves into electronic impulses and transmits them to the brain where they transformirovalsya sounds. Our ears are constantly detect the sound waves, and we learn how to respond to some sounds and ignore others.
The human ear includes three compartments outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear consists of folds of skin and cartilage auditory canal that leads to the hidden part.

As we hear

As we hear
The size of the middle ear is eight times less than the external and is a small cavity inside the skull. Here is located the tympanic membrane, and the opposite part of the middle ear, connecting with the nose, a narrow tube. This gives you the ability to equalize the air pressure in the middle ear relative to the external environment. If the pressure outside is changing, our ears have to adapt to it.
In the cavity of the middle ear are three bones, each of which has a certain form. They are called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. Air vibrations reflected from the tympanic membrane, coming from the Malleus to the stapes and the oval window of the vestibule that connects the middle and inner ear.
In the inner ear is a maze of three fluid-filled tubes, through which we feel the steady pressure. In addition, in the inner ear has a miniature spiral pipe, a curl, consisting of two channels and ducts. These channels and the fluid-filled. In the Strait also contains tiny sensory hair cells that covers a narrow membrane film. These cells and the membrane form of the organ of Corti.
He is a real hearing aid center. Vibrations through the cochlea, forcing the membrane to move back and forth. Moving, the membrane pulls on the hair cells and they send electrical signals through the auditory nerve to the brain. The brain decodes these signals and perceives them as sounds.

Noise levels

Noise levels
The volume - level of energy in the sound, measured in decibels. Whisper equates to 15 decibels (dB), the sound of voices in the classroom, reaches about 50, and the street noise for traffic, is about 90 dB. Noise over 100 dB can become unbearable to the human ear. The noise is about 140 dB (e.g., the sound of a jet airplane taking off) can be painful to the ear and even damage your eardrum.
Most people's hearing acuity is dulled with age. This is due mainly to the fact that the ear bones lose their original mobility, whereby vibrations are not transmitted to the inner ear. In addition, infections of the organs of the ear can damage the eardrum and can have a negative effect on the bones, resulting in deafness.
The reason certain types of deafness is damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve. The hearing impairment can result in permanent noise impacts (for example, in the factory) or a sudden and loud sound spikes. You should be very careful to use a stereo player because of excessively loud sound can also result in deafness. This is proved by scientists.

Nervous system

Nervous system
The nervous system is a collection of structures in the human body that interconnect individual organs to each other and the whole organism with the environment.
The nervous system is essential for vision and hearing, sensation of pain and pleasure, fine motor control, regulate such body functions as digestion and respiration, as well as for the development of thinking, speech, memory, and skills in decision-making.

The elements

The elements
"Working elements" of the nervous system are the millions of interconnected cells called neurons that perform the same function as the wires in complex electrical machine. Neurons receive signals in one part of the nervous system and transmit them to another part of the signals can act on other neurons or to cause a certain action, 5 for example, the contraction of muscle fibers.
The cells are very fragile cells that can easily be damaged or destroyed as a result of trauma, infection, pressure, chemical exposure or lack of oxygen. Moreover, since the destroyed neurons do not regenerate, such violations can have serious consequences. The nervous system is divided into two interrelated parts - the Central nervous system (CNS) consisting of brain and spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system (CNS), which includes all nervous tissue outside the Central nervous system. And peripheral and Central nervous systems consist of several components.
From the peripheral nervous system two divisions: the external, or somatic, nervous system and internal vegetative nervous system.
Somatic system performs two functions, namely: collecting information from the senses and sends it to the Central nervous system; transmits signals from Central nervous system to skeletal muscles in response to the received information, thereby predetermining the movement of the body.

Conscious and unconscious actions

Conscious and unconscious actions
The autonomic nervous system responsible for regulating the functions of internal organs and glands, especially the heart, stomach, kidneys and pancreas. Somatic nervous system consists of two basic components: sensory and motor systems. Information about the external world perceived by the senses, e.g. eyes, which have special receptor cells. Other similar cells perceive the signals of pain, touch and temperature of the skin. The signals from these receptors are transmitted to the CNS via sensory nerve fibers. A set of signals, the intensity of which reaches millions of pulses per second gives us the necessary information about the external world. With team CNS via motor nerve fibers go to the muscles.
Sensitive nerve fibers information arrives in the CNS, and from there, commands are sent to one or other muscles via motor nerve fibers.
And sensitive and motor nerve fibers are part of the sensory and motor neurons. All neurons consist of a cell body and a number of leading fibers. Sensory and motor fibers of the CNS - the long fibers of the respective neurons. Cell bodies of sensory nerve fibers located near the head or the spinal cord, and motor neurons within the brain or spinal cord.
Motor and sensory fibers that carry messages from a particular organ or area of the body and back, is collected in the beam - nerve. It is believed that different nerves "feed" a specific area or organ. In General, moving away from the Central nervous system 43 pairs of nerves: 12 pairs of cranial nerves from the brain and 31 pairs on both sides of the spinal cord.
Cranial nerves nourish the sense organs and muscles inside the skull, although a very important nerve of this kind - wandering - responsible for the digestive organs, heart and lung Airways. Some cranial nerves (e.g. optic nerve of the eye) are composed of only sensory fibers.
Spinal nerves extend from the spinal cord and contain both motor and sensory fibers. They nourish all parts of our body below the neck. Each nerve is attached to spinal cord by two roots, one of which contains the motor and the second sensory fibers.
Thus, the PNS serves only to transmit sensory and motor messages between the Central nervous system and the muscles, glands and sense organs. Peripheral nervous system practically is not involved in the analysis of sensory signals or the formation of motor signals, since these actions are carried out by the Central nervous system.

Central nervous system

Central nervous system
The brain and spinal cord form the Central processor of the nervous system, which, with the sensory fibers receive information from sensory organs and receptors, filters and analyses it, and then through the motor fibers send the command, causing a reaction in the muscles and glands. Such a task analysis or data processing may be relatively simple for certain functions of the spinal cord, but the brain usually does a very complex analysis involving thousands of different neurons.

Spinal cord

Spinal cord
The spinal cord is a nearly cylindrical column of nerve tissue with a length of about 40 cm, located inside of the spine between the brain and the lower back. It performs two important functions. First plays the role of bilateral conductive path between the brain and PNS. This is achieved through sensory and motor neurons, long bundles of fibers which depart from different parts of the brain. They extend for different distances along the spinal cord, and their end most distant from the brain, affect fibers or cell bodies of sensory or motor neurons of the PNS. The signals can be transmitted through the gaps between the synapses of peripheral and spinal neurons. The second function of the spinal cord associated with the management of simple reflex actions. This task is performed by the neurons, the fibers of which extend for short distances up and down the spinal cord, and intermediate neurons transmit signals directly between sensory and motor neurons.
For example, if you accidentally touched a hot stove, pain receptors in the skin send signals by sensory fibers to the spinal cord. Part of these signals are immediately transmitted by neurons to the motor neurons that control muscles of the arms and hands, and you will quickly, automatically pulls his hand. Other signals pass up the spinal cord and are transmitted to the intermediate neurons in the motor neurons controlling the neck muscles. As a result, the head is automatically rotated in the direction of the source of pain. Next, the signals enter the brain and cause the sensation of heat and pain.

India next

India next
Almost everyone knows that most of our diseases are the result of negative thinking, and thoughts, in turn, is directly dependent on the emotions and emotional balance. In other words, the physical body is a reflection of our soul. Is it possible to establish this relationship, and how to do it?
The only question to yourself.

Many have noticed that after a strong emotional excitement, stress or tension we usually get sick. Some diseases turn into chronic, and people after some time just adjusting to live with them, believing that no solution of this problem does not exist. Although one of the reasons for disease lies in the weakening of the body due to negative experiences, psychological instability and discrepancies of the emotional state, resulting in reduced immunity. If a person consciously take responsibility for your life, he will begin to occur a truly stunning change. Today, unfortunately, rarely really relax, to listen to your body and not only relax physically, but also to put in order their thoughts. Yes, we all go to the sea, occasionally visited the sanatorium in the health resort and, of course, feel after the holidays rested, full of strength and energy. But in all this there is still one "but" we're going back to the everyday hustle and bustle, never changing nor life, neither food nor way of thinking. So gradually everything returns to normal, we were again plagued by pain in the stomach or back, migraines or just a feeling of emotional exhaustion and chronic fatigue.
Of course, the panacea for all ills does not exist, it is also true that each person is different and chooses a rest for the soul. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are proven over many millennia, the Indian science of healthy and long life – Ayurveda. It can help not only to cleanse the body and restore internal harmony, but also to radically revise developed over the years habits and lifestyle.
According to Ayurveda, man is composed of body, mind and soul. Therefore, disease prevention is the balance of the physical and the spiritual. Salako-balance the body, i.e. the accumulation of toxins is the main cause of all our diseases. This means that the prevention and treatment of all diseases should begin with deep cleansing of the body. Prevention is much easier than treatment of disease. For the health of your body everyone should reconsider their habits, diet and perception of the world. Even the negative moments in life can be channeled in a positive direction. Most importantly, learn to see the good. Of course, if the disease has manifested on the physical plane, it must be treated, because, you see, nothing can be fertile in a contaminated environment. Unfortunately, despite the fact that mankind literally for the last decade, made remarkable technical progress, people at the same time began to forget that the most progress causes irreparable damage to the ecosystem of our planet. And now we are forced to breathe polluted air, to experience a shortage of clean water and eat genetically modified food. On top of that to the fast pace of progress is accelerating and the pace of life that invariably leads to stress and nervous breakdowns. Therefore, even if the person has reached a high level of spiritual development, and responsible approach to their health, in existing conditions, it also will periodically need to the program to help your body get rid of
accumulated toxins and bring it before the disease.

Contact lenses

Contact lenses

Only for the nimble
Even the most modern and high-tech contact lenses are a foreign object to the eye. Not everyone is able to get used to them and wear lenses many learn with difficulty. Older people, children and adults with poor coordination and poor fine motor skills may never learn to do it correctly. And this can lead to eye damage the lens, and foreign objects that accidentally fall under it.

Need expert help
Do not forget that a contact lens is a medical device. In many countries for their purchase requires a prescription from your eye doctor. In Russia, a prescription is not needed, but it is not an excuse to skip a visit to the doctor. The parameters of the lenses are different from the downsides of your points, they should choose a professional as the optimum material, and the permeability of the lenses. The little piece of plastic mass parameters of size, shape, number of diopters, etc. Wrong lenses can cause regular fatigue the eyes and cause blurred vision.

Lenses require fanatical hygiene
Almost all complications wearing contact lenses a result of failure to observe hygiene when putting on and taking off, and improper cleaning, excessive wear and ignoring the unpleasant symptoms.

Protein deposits.
This problem occurs among those who use extended wear lenses. Components of tear fluid accumulated on the inner surface of the lens, reducing its transparency. If you do not pay attention to it, the further formation of deposits may lead to irritation of the cornea, and in severe cases to the development of infectious diseases of the eye. Because protein plaque is a great environment for bacteria.

Allergic reaction
They can cause the lens material and protein deposits, and substances included in the composition of the solutions for lenses. In addition, dust, dander, particles of cosmetic products can adhere to the outer surface of the lens and also to cause a reaction. It most often develops allergic conjunctivitis itching, irritation and redness of the eyes, lacrimation and foreign body sensation in the eye. Is a reason necessarily to go to the doctor. Corneal erosion
Mechanical erosion may develop if contact lens is damaged, dirty or under it were a foreign body (a speck of dust or eyelash). Another reason – accidental injury when removing or inserting lenses. Infectious erosion causing bacteria trapped in the eye with a contaminated lens and multiply under it.

Corneal edema
Occurs when the cornea is not getting enough oxygen. Most often it happens if the lenses are mismatched or made of a material poorly permeable to air, and if the person does not remove the lenses overnight, perekashivaet their time.

One of the most serious complications.
Inflammation of the cornea cause different microorganisms Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, amoeba, fungi Aspergillus and Candida.
They all fall into the eyes while removing and putting on lenses with dirty hands, if you use tap water for storage, bathing in open ponds and muddy pools.

The growth of corneal blood vessels
This occurs when the cornea for a long period of time loses oxygen. Usually it is the result of wearing lenses with low permeability. If time does not begin treatment, it may cause serious vision impairment.
In each of these cases, the main thing you need to do to remove the lenses immediately and seek an ophthalmologist. Not necessarily that you have to go back to the glasses: it is necessary to undergo treatment and to choose such lenses that will not cause problems in the future.

Monday 5 December 2016

How to start Jogging

How to start Jogging

One of the main conditions of achievement of goals, be it work or sports, is having a clear plan and system of fixation of the results achieved. You can, of course, mindlessly perform some exercises, but without goals and Shisha is the case you quickly get bored. That is why runners beginners sometimes feel the boredom, the futility and lack of motivation during their studies.
Use special mobile applications, also called pocket trainers, solves problems with motivation. They can be used to identify a relevant goal, to follow up on individual tasks, and even get rewarded (virtual, of course) for their implementation.

If you have never ran and generally far from the sport, then start your preparation with visits to the doctor. Only he can make the conclusion about the possibility of training and to give advice about permissible loads. After that you can pick up comfortable clothes and install on your mobile device the app Couch Potato to 5K Run Trainer. Under his guidance you will be able to make your first steps on the treadmill and then gradually increase the distance up to five kilometers. Step-by-step plan contained in the program suitable even for people with very low levels of physical fitness. For them developed special stages with long periods of walking, occasionally interspersed with short segments of running. As you grow your training intervals of walking will decrease and running increase. So in just nine weeks you will be able to overcome a run his first five kilometers. For those who are confident on a treadmill more effective than another approach. They want to achieve new goals, improve your results and increase the distance. For this fit program Adidas miCoach. It can be used in conjunction with other gadgets of this company, and with any smartphone running Android, iOS, Windows and I Phone. In the latter case, the program takes readings from phone sensors and based on them displays information about your speed, pace and the number of passed kilometers.
All data collected by the program are analyzed, and based on them recommendations are generated about the desired tempo and speed runs, which you can hear right in the process of training through the connected headphones. The use of this program is very similar to the lesson with a real coach who teaches, corrects and motivates to achieve better results. An additional advantage is the availability of a large number of free training plans not only for runners, but also for fans of other sports.

Another app called RunKeeper. It is well-known and very popular mobile coach, which is used by many runners worldwide. It can be used to track your movement on the map, get voice prompts about the pace, duration and running speed, share routes with friends and learn from them about new and interesting places that are suitable for Jogging. Special attention in the development of this application was given to the collection and storage of data. A detailed training log lets you instantly get a visual report on the number of passed kilometers for any period of time about the records, the dynamics of your indicators and any other numbers that concern fans of running. For many, sport is the passion and the fight for the victory. Monotonous winding circles through the Park is not for them. Such gambling runners Molen d can you recommend the Strava app. Each user of this program, and their number in the hundreds of thousands, becomes a potential rival. You can easily challenge anyone of them and start a virtual contest. It consists in comparing the number of passed kilometers, determine the maximum speed and time spent on the treadmill. In addition, if you exercise in a place popular among runners for example, the city Park, you can compete for the best score on a certain distance. Thanks to the app everyone will know about who is the fastest runner around, despite the fact that none of the opponents you are competing internally.

Another application that is useful to the thrill. If you can't imagine my life without adventure and games then try an app called Zombies, Run! This kind of
interactive game with a gripping storyline, the development of which you will be given various tasks. To run them you only need running, and from your agility depends on the further development of events. So trivial a morning jog turns into a real adventure in which you must perform several interesting tasks, participate in chases and escape from numerous enemies.
All these mobile applications are designed to help beginner runners. Installing them on your smartphones, you will receive access to a variety of training plans, find support virtual trainer, will find friends at your new hobby or rivals for competition. But most importantly, they will help you gain health and excellent physical shape.

Six foods for the brain

Six foods for the brain
Herbs and spices
Extract isolated from a cinnamon tree that can reduce the formation in the tissue of the brain of protein plaques directly related to the development of Alzheimer's disease. In rats that were fed with sugar and fat to simulate the deterioration of brain functions associated with malnutrition, cinnamon extract significantly improved cognitive ability and condition of nerve fibers. Turmeric helps brain neurons to absorb oxygen and nutrients. But experiments on mice have confirmed that a small dose of curcumin to improve the functioning of neurons and positively affect memory. A similar result was obtained in rats that have pre-simulated disorder of cerebral blood circulation. To get the benefits for your brain, quite quite a bit of turmeric in the amount listed in recipes. In citrus fruits, like garlic, have volatile, they contribute to the destruction of bacteria, protozoa and microscopic fungi. Berries
Regular use of conventional blueberries and strawberries can delay age-related disorders of cognitive functions of the brain of about 1.5-2.5 years today
it is an established fact. And blueberries can slow the development of neurodegenerative processes on excess fat consumption. However, while this effect is proven only on laboratory mice.

Olive oil
Scientists from Louisiana state University (USA) proved that its regular use significantly reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. First of all thanks to vitamin E. As shown by experiments, a large dose of this vitamin can delay the development of dementia almost six months. But in addition to his olive oil contains a unique combination of oleocanthal. Recent changes the structure of neurotoxic-ing proteins that are to blame for the emergence of cognitive disorders, and prevents their destructive effects on nerve cells.

About the dangers and benefits of coffee, many argue, but, as it turned out, the nerve cells affected by it positively. So, in the course of the study, which was published in the journal Neurology, found out that consumption of three or more cups of organic coffee a day improves cognitive ability (interestingly, only in women). Also experiments have shown that coffee is able to slow down memory decline and development of dementia in Alzheimer's disease.
However, coffee has a lot of "but". Its beneficial effect on the brain can completely offset the negative consequences for the cardiovascular system: not everyone can safely drink 3-4 cups of strong coffee a day. And in any case, many won't be able to sleep soundly in the allotted time, and lack of sleep harm the brain even more than alcohol. Nuts
Specialists conducted the study. As a test, made mice that have artificially induced the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. One group were put on a diet containing walnuts, while the other remained a control. During the four month experiment, the learning ability and memory in mice that ate walnuts had improved substantially. But what about men? A group of students demonstrated improved capacity for reasoning and the formulation of findings after drinking just half a Cup of walnuts for 2 months. A six-year study allowed to assert that regular consumption of nuts helps to improve short-term memory in the elderly. Some scientists believe that nuts have a rejuvenating effect on the elderly brain. However, only in women.

Experts from the North American radiological society recently reported that a fish diet increases the volume of gray matter in the brain. This indicator is directly linked to the preservation and improvement of intellectual abilities.
They also found that people who eat fish at least once a week, better at remembering information (interestingly, this effect was observed in those who prefer baked, but not fried fish). For an increase in brain volume and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, but scientists responsible omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish. Important point: they are good for the brain, while the processes of destruction of nerve cells has not yet begun. So, fish need to eat of his youth: though salmon, mackerel, even though ordinary fat herring.


It turns out, Yes. Scientists have found that Alzheimer's is less common in Italy, Spain, Greece, Malta and Cyprus. Where the diet of the inhabitants of a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, legumes, cereals. And of course, no vegetable oils, especially olive, a Mediterranean diet is impossible to imagine. Thanks to the monounsaturated fatty acids of the oil to slow down the aging of the brain and prevent the development neurodegen operational diseases, if they have the prerequisites.