Tuesday 6 December 2016


Usually, the trees are felled with the aid of powerful circular saws, then cut off the branches and dumped them on the treatment site for further transportation, involving cranes, crawler tractors, bulldozers. If the wood is to be transported by land, using cranes load it on a wheeled transport, although in India and Burma, to drag felled trees, as in ancient times used elephants.
In some regions the forest is easier to float along the rivers; felled trees are to the rafts and push the water by means of cranes. Then hundreds of rafts linked together and towed to sorting and labelling. In remote areas, where rivers no traffic, just the logs floated downstream up to the destination party wood.
In many countries, especially those where the harvest solid wood, not enough powerful technique for the cutting of the forest. For timber in logs export to the industrialized countries for wood processing plants.
The timber mill deck primarily free from bark, and then mechanical saws cut into billets of a certain size. At this stage of processing, the wood still contains SAP and require drying. A natural process is possible, but takes almost a year of time, so the wood normally sent to a quick lesso drying in special dryers. As a result of such artificial drying, shrinkage occurs and sometimes even warping of the wood; therefore, wood is processed only after the complete drying, when it becomes relatively stable (assuming again wet).
Sawn timber for further processing to be used in the construction and surfaces from the outside, require proof. Often, the boards transmit to longitudinal cutting, painting or etching the surface of the boards. Attractive wood is cut into very thin sheets - a veneer facing that he then glued to the base of plain wood.
Plywood consists of several sheets of wood glued together so that the fibers of adjacent sheets formed a right angle. Plywood sheet is much stronger made of ordinary wood, it is difficult to bend and split; the probability of warping is also negligible.
In the woodworking industry wastes little man found a use for everything. The slats of wood of low quality is placed between sheets of high quality wood, producing Blockboard and residual scrap is crushed into sawdust impregnated with glue and compressed to particleboard - wood chipboard plate.

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