Monday 5 December 2016


A scanner is a device that converts the color and brightness of each dot imaged on a digital code that is then written to a file. The principle of operation of the scanner based on the conversion of light energy into electrical energy. The beam of light falls on the image is clean, reflects from it and returns back to the scanner. There he gets a line of light-sensitive devices with charging communication (CCD). Depending on the amount of light reaching the CCD, changing the current which passes through it. Highly sensitive measuring device detects changes and converts them according to the degree of brightness at the numbers. On the basis of each number and is determined by the shade of a single pixel ("picture elements" means "picture elements ) the tiny dots, parts of the image on the computer monitor.
The obtained digital image is called a bitmap. After converting the image into numbers can be changed by using the programs for processing images. These programs have a set of special tools and filters for photo editing blemishes and scratches can completely remove, change the background image, and even correct all colors. Program for processing of photographic images used to create illustrations from scratch. More than a simple package for drawing gives you the ability to use geometrical constructs (lines, fills and curves) and not bitmaps. Converted to numbers and processed image can then be imported into a page layout by using layout application.
There are three main DTP program: Corel Ventura Publisher, QuarkXPress is the most common and already mentioned above, Adobe PageMaker/Indesign. Using one of these programs coder in accordance with the requirements of the design combines into a single document various types of files. Today all programs for working with text enable you to define the number and size of pages, type of page elements to perform a set text and set the text position on the page, as well as the mutual arrangement of text and illustrations.

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