Monday 5 December 2016

Printing processes

Printing processes
All printing processes contain certain basic stages of preparation of the document and illustrations for print. In computing the time of preparation for printing was manual typing of separate metal letters, engraved or molded. The compilers had before them letter by letter, picking up a line or page of text. Ryadovo-casting a set of letters dominated the printing business until 19b0 th years after which it was wholly replaced by photocomposition..
The result of photocomposition there are images of document pages on a special photosensitive film. In the printing by using the photo-etching process, these prints are transferred in the form of relief on special metal plates, which are then installed in the printing press.
As in color printers, full-color offset printing using four inks on the number of basic colors CMYK (cyan, Magenta, yellow and black). Therefore, the photocomposition image of the document is divided into four color components of the color separation is performed. Therefore, in the process of photocomposition for each color is displayed in a separate film. And on it is etched a separate plate offset printing.

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