Tuesday 6 December 2016

Taste buds

Taste buds
The receptors pick up signals from dissolved chemicals that make up our food are called taste papillae. This accumulation of microscopic cells or nerve endings, on a tiny gorbich on the tongue, palate and larynx. Each taste papilla is a cluster of more than 50 cells connected with the brain by nerve fibers. All taste buds are able to distinguish four basic tastes. Some of them serve as basic cells, and the rest of the taste. In the same way as the receptors of smell, each taste cell has a tiny hair. The outer rim of the taste buds are connected to nerves prikosatsya, so that the taste and sensation of food in the mouth are closely linked. Hearing the debate about which tastes better beef - sliced thin or thick slices, you can think: and what, exactly, is the difference? However, the feeling of food language depends on its taste.

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