Monday 5 December 2016

Sound images

Sound images
Most sound cards create and reproduce two different types of sound files wave (WAV) and nevanova, or МIDІ files. Sound is propagated in the air waves vibrate the eardrum. In the maze inside your ear, these vibrations are converted into signals that the brain interprets as sounds. In the wave file stores the actual wave pattern of the recorded sound signals are converted into your computer understands binary code. First sound wave the microphone turns into variable electrical signals, the so-called analog. Next, the sound card registers the strength of these signals several times over a certain period of time. The frequency with which this registration is performed is called sampling frequency. To accurately reflect the original sound, the computer must have a sample rate equal to several thousand times per second.
Sampling frequency is measured in kilohertz (kHz). The lowest sampling frequency used in sound cards as a rule, equal to 11 kHz, i.e. every second Board registers 11,000 samples. With the increase of sampling frequency sound quality is improved. Some sound cards are registered with a frequency of 44 kHz, but most of the delivers quality audio at a sampling rate of 22 kHz.
Files МIDІ, on the contrary, preserve not the actual wave spectrum, but rather commands to play sounds. They are only used for storing music, МIDІ stands for "digital interface for musical instruments", and these files contain information for music playback. These commands are sent to the synthesizer (an electronic device capable of generating sounds), and it plays music. МIDІ files are especially useful when there are difficulties with memory, since they are much smaller than the wave take the same length of play less than one percent of the size of the last.
Another factor that affects sound quality is the number of bits available to store. Bit is the smallest unit of information stored on the computer.
The greater the number of bits used for each sound, the better its quality. The sound card is usually an 8-or 16-bit. 16-bit card can register and record subtle sound shades. If you use a sampling frequency of 44 kHz, you need 1B-bit state.
There are special software packages that let you edit sound and greatly improve its quality.

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