Tuesday 6 December 2016

The reinforcement of fiberglass

The reinforcement of fiberglass
The individual elements are made on-site by pouring concrete into wooden forms (formwork) reusable. Recently appeared encasement of glass-fiber-reinforced concrete. This formwork becomes an integral part of the design of the house. It simply sets in the desired location and pour concrete.
One of the most common ways in high-rise construction is a method of the console Assembly from the Central hollow of the trunk of reinforced concrete, which are often available Elevator shaft. The Foundation for such a home is usually done in the form of massive concrete mortar. Concrete barrel built on this base plate, and a steel or concrete frame then mounted on massive beams projecting from the barrel.
Steel load-bearing frame elements are preferably I-beams. They provide greater stiffness of beams at their relatively low weight compared to expensive steel beams. In addition to high-rise buildings, steel frames are used for the construction of small industrial and commercial buildings, low-rise apartment buildings and ordinary houses.

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