Tuesday 6 December 2016

India next

India next
Almost everyone knows that most of our diseases are the result of negative thinking, and thoughts, in turn, is directly dependent on the emotions and emotional balance. In other words, the physical body is a reflection of our soul. Is it possible to establish this relationship, and how to do it?
The only question to yourself.

Many have noticed that after a strong emotional excitement, stress or tension we usually get sick. Some diseases turn into chronic, and people after some time just adjusting to live with them, believing that no solution of this problem does not exist. Although one of the reasons for disease lies in the weakening of the body due to negative experiences, psychological instability and discrepancies of the emotional state, resulting in reduced immunity. If a person consciously take responsibility for your life, he will begin to occur a truly stunning change. Today, unfortunately, rarely really relax, to listen to your body and not only relax physically, but also to put in order their thoughts. Yes, we all go to the sea, occasionally visited the sanatorium in the health resort and, of course, feel after the holidays rested, full of strength and energy. But in all this there is still one "but" we're going back to the everyday hustle and bustle, never changing nor life, neither food nor way of thinking. So gradually everything returns to normal, we were again plagued by pain in the stomach or back, migraines or just a feeling of emotional exhaustion and chronic fatigue.
Of course, the panacea for all ills does not exist, it is also true that each person is different and chooses a rest for the soul. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are proven over many millennia, the Indian science of healthy and long life – Ayurveda. It can help not only to cleanse the body and restore internal harmony, but also to radically revise developed over the years habits and lifestyle.
According to Ayurveda, man is composed of body, mind and soul. Therefore, disease prevention is the balance of the physical and the spiritual. Salako-balance the body, i.e. the accumulation of toxins is the main cause of all our diseases. This means that the prevention and treatment of all diseases should begin with deep cleansing of the body. Prevention is much easier than treatment of disease. For the health of your body everyone should reconsider their habits, diet and perception of the world. Even the negative moments in life can be channeled in a positive direction. Most importantly, learn to see the good. Of course, if the disease has manifested on the physical plane, it must be treated, because, you see, nothing can be fertile in a contaminated environment. Unfortunately, despite the fact that mankind literally for the last decade, made remarkable technical progress, people at the same time began to forget that the most progress causes irreparable damage to the ecosystem of our planet. And now we are forced to breathe polluted air, to experience a shortage of clean water and eat genetically modified food. On top of that to the fast pace of progress is accelerating and the pace of life that invariably leads to stress and nervous breakdowns. Therefore, even if the person has reached a high level of spiritual development, and responsible approach to their health, in existing conditions, it also will periodically need to the program to help your body get rid of
accumulated toxins and bring it before the disease.

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