Tuesday 6 December 2016

Artificial satellites

Artificial satellites
These missiles gave the Soviet scientists to display small objects in Earth's orbit. In October 1957, the audible signals from a tiny artificial satellite launched by USSR "Sputnik-1" has announced the beginning of the space age.
After four months in the United States under the leadership of von Braun was made the corresponding run. The influence of the ideas of this scientist continued until the introduction of the program "Apollo" which involved a giant three-stage rocket "Saturn-5", to deliver American astronauts to the moon in 1969
According to the third Newton's law (the law of action and reaction) to every action corresponds an equal and opposite reaction. This means that if you jump from a small boat on shore, the energy of your jump pushes the boat from the shore. Rockets use the same principle. They move due to the ejection flow of the material (usually gas). The effect of the energy causes a reaction gas relative to the rocket and causes it to fly. Unlike jet engines, which need air for burning fuel in rockets has everything you need for movement is a self - contained apparatus able to move in space.

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