Monday 5 December 2016

Six foods for the brain

Six foods for the brain
Herbs and spices
Extract isolated from a cinnamon tree that can reduce the formation in the tissue of the brain of protein plaques directly related to the development of Alzheimer's disease. In rats that were fed with sugar and fat to simulate the deterioration of brain functions associated with malnutrition, cinnamon extract significantly improved cognitive ability and condition of nerve fibers. Turmeric helps brain neurons to absorb oxygen and nutrients. But experiments on mice have confirmed that a small dose of curcumin to improve the functioning of neurons and positively affect memory. A similar result was obtained in rats that have pre-simulated disorder of cerebral blood circulation. To get the benefits for your brain, quite quite a bit of turmeric in the amount listed in recipes. In citrus fruits, like garlic, have volatile, they contribute to the destruction of bacteria, protozoa and microscopic fungi. Berries
Regular use of conventional blueberries and strawberries can delay age-related disorders of cognitive functions of the brain of about 1.5-2.5 years today
it is an established fact. And blueberries can slow the development of neurodegenerative processes on excess fat consumption. However, while this effect is proven only on laboratory mice.

Olive oil
Scientists from Louisiana state University (USA) proved that its regular use significantly reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. First of all thanks to vitamin E. As shown by experiments, a large dose of this vitamin can delay the development of dementia almost six months. But in addition to his olive oil contains a unique combination of oleocanthal. Recent changes the structure of neurotoxic-ing proteins that are to blame for the emergence of cognitive disorders, and prevents their destructive effects on nerve cells.

About the dangers and benefits of coffee, many argue, but, as it turned out, the nerve cells affected by it positively. So, in the course of the study, which was published in the journal Neurology, found out that consumption of three or more cups of organic coffee a day improves cognitive ability (interestingly, only in women). Also experiments have shown that coffee is able to slow down memory decline and development of dementia in Alzheimer's disease.
However, coffee has a lot of "but". Its beneficial effect on the brain can completely offset the negative consequences for the cardiovascular system: not everyone can safely drink 3-4 cups of strong coffee a day. And in any case, many won't be able to sleep soundly in the allotted time, and lack of sleep harm the brain even more than alcohol. Nuts
Specialists conducted the study. As a test, made mice that have artificially induced the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. One group were put on a diet containing walnuts, while the other remained a control. During the four month experiment, the learning ability and memory in mice that ate walnuts had improved substantially. But what about men? A group of students demonstrated improved capacity for reasoning and the formulation of findings after drinking just half a Cup of walnuts for 2 months. A six-year study allowed to assert that regular consumption of nuts helps to improve short-term memory in the elderly. Some scientists believe that nuts have a rejuvenating effect on the elderly brain. However, only in women.

Experts from the North American radiological society recently reported that a fish diet increases the volume of gray matter in the brain. This indicator is directly linked to the preservation and improvement of intellectual abilities.
They also found that people who eat fish at least once a week, better at remembering information (interestingly, this effect was observed in those who prefer baked, but not fried fish). For an increase in brain volume and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, but scientists responsible omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish. Important point: they are good for the brain, while the processes of destruction of nerve cells has not yet begun. So, fish need to eat of his youth: though salmon, mackerel, even though ordinary fat herring.


It turns out, Yes. Scientists have found that Alzheimer's is less common in Italy, Spain, Greece, Malta and Cyprus. Where the diet of the inhabitants of a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, legumes, cereals. And of course, no vegetable oils, especially olive, a Mediterranean diet is impossible to imagine. Thanks to the monounsaturated fatty acids of the oil to slow down the aging of the brain and prevent the development neurodegen operational diseases, if they have the prerequisites.

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