Monday 5 December 2016

Viewer or browser

Viewer or browser
In the beginning, the Network consisted of a set of information exclusively in a textual form. Instead of moving the mouse had to move the arrow, follow the link. This method and still remained on some online services, using textual interfaces, and Internet connections (gateways). However, in the beginning of 90-ies the group of researchers of the University of Illinois have developed a new program that has greatly facilitated the use of the Network. Viewer (or browser) Mosaic Network performs the same function, and for Windows PC which runs in DOS: converts text to images and uses different graphic elements for ease of use. In the early 90s, Mosaic became a commercial product, and there was a competition mostly between giants such as Cello, Netscape, WinWeb and.
The appearance of the viewers have changed the approach to the use of the Network. Not necessary to have technical training, in order to use the Network that can support all kinds of data from text and graphics to full-length video, Audi, radio and television programs. The Internet allows listeners in Europe or Asia to make a tiny Amateur radio station somewhere in Alaska. In addition, thanks to the Internet, even a small firm can cover its advertising entire world.

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