Monday 5 December 2016

Virtual body

Virtual body
One murderer, was executed in USA in the electric chair, bequeathed her body to science. It was dissected on an ultra-thin slices, which are then useful for creating virtual bodies intended for medical research; soon, all medical students will be able instead of real patients to learn on virtual bodies.
Virtual reality also is used at the microscopic level in pharmaceutical research. Scientists from the University of North Carolina, creating certain molecules, to visualize them and "check out" interaction. Before the advent of virtual reality this inspection was conducted, but too slow and difficult. Therefore, it is likely that the virtuality in the future will have a significant impact on the development and availability of new medicines and therapeutic agents.
Virtual reality is also important because that gives you the ability to visualize the unknown or the unseen. Perhaps as a consequence, BP operators can use the robot to carry out repairs in outer space. Thus, for example, a technique called "virtual kuklovody", based on the fact that a qualified operator controls the robot, which inherits all the movements of his "puppeteer".
The operator knows what should tell a job to do, where to go and what buttons to press, as the eyes of the robot sees everything that happens. Robot virtual puppet can be used when there is significant risk - in particular, during the dismantling of the bombs, or fighting fires. Scientists from Alfordsville University in England carried out many tests of such robots. They are already applied in the dangerous but vital operations associated with the disposal of nuclear waste.
These machines are useful for working with different sources of pollution. They can send wherever capable of stepping his foot, and to carry out operations with highly toxic fumes and effluents. Such work, obviously, can be used during the repair and decommissioning of faulty or obsolete nuclear power plants to prevent nuclear accidents.
Residents adjacent to the polygons in the areas where the military trains pilots and tank crews, BP also could benefit. Use VR-system could reduce the noise from jet aircraft, low flying, but the surrounding area not suffer from armored vehicles during the exercise.

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