Tuesday 6 December 2016

The harvest

The harvest
Now harvesting a variety of crops, including root crops (potatoes) and fruit (grapes and wine grades of apples) mechanized. One of the first and the most important machines of this type was the harvester, which is used during the harvesting of grain crops (wheat). This is a self-propelled combine which mows, separates grain from straw, removes the husk, the grain falls asleep in the truck that accompanies it, and dumps straw on the earth.
Straw is often classified as waste and believe that it fit only on a laying cattle or as the rough fodder additive for it.
Usually for transportation and storage straw is Packed in bales. This is done using solomokopnitel machines, towed by a tractor and pick up the straw left combines, press it in bales and knit a twine. The grass the same way you can knit in bales, and the received hay to store as a forage for livestock.
An important achievement in the field of processing of raw materials in agriculture in recent years was the introduction of "big bales", weighing about 500 kg. Machine can easily cope with them, allowing you to spend much less time cleaning straw from the fields. Solomokopnitel collects it, loads it into the chamber where it is Packed into bales, and then this bale ties with a twine and throws out.

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