Monday 5 December 2016

Organic cosmetics

Organic cosmetics
Grandma's recipes of masks for the face, grated cucumber and yogurt was very popular in the 1980-ies. The chemical industry in the beauty industry and is rapidly gaining momentum, and such performances have forgotten. But after a couple of decades flourished cosmetics of mass-market, cheap, available, but not always quality. Moreover, in the beginning of XXI century become more and more popular idea of eco-friendly living, and gradually the eyes of customers, he turned again to the natural components, clear, pure and not harmful. "The popularity of organics came to Russia late, says beautician Irina Long. In America in the 1960-ies started talking about natural products, when a hippie was doing with his hands mask of shredded wheat and cooked in a mobile van soap. In the late 1990s, the Americans introduced the organic labeling for cosmetics, produced by industrial way." So in the world of the organic boom. Empire organics
Today in this area a lot of guile and abuse. Representatives of organic associations complain that some tools are marked as ORGANIC, although their composition may not need to be organic compounds. Legal restrictions in Russia on this point. In other countries the rules of the game clearer. European organic companies put on their products icon of the French organization ECOCERT certification for organic products, which is considered one of the most prestigious of its kind. A number of companies in the Schengen zone is proud of the badge of the Institute for ethical and environmental certification Italy (SEA). But here's the problem: not all brands calling their products organic, in no hurry to get ecosystem on the package. Many enough to have in the title the word "organic": a respect for this marketing ploy increases sales. On average, organic is by 25-40% higher than normal. And the market is booming: in 2013, the turnover of such funds totaled about $ 15 billion.

What is (BIO)
What cosmetics can be considered truly organic? First of all, in the product should be at least 90% of ingredients of plant origin. The second point to grow the raw material can only be in fields where no chemical fertilizers are used (such farmland must be certified by local ministries of agriculture). In addition, the ingredients are allowed to extract from plants only method of extraction. This also applies to active substances, preservatives, and dyes. It turns out that natural cosmetics can be made from a rather limited range of components, simply because not all can be extracted extraction. For this reason, organic creams spoil faster. If the standard shelf life of cosmetic products 26 months in closed and 12 open, then the organic matter it can be in 2 times less. On the official website of the Ministry of agriculture, U.S. (USDA), which also has the right to assign companies a treasured icon, organic, representative Joan Schaeffer explains: "People should not consider the icon on cosmetics, including labeled USDA Organic, proof of the effectiveness or health benefits". This does not mean that organic is harmful. She just has no supernatural qualities expected from some supporters. The green way
In some areas, natural cosmetics works better than usual, in some loses. So, organic skincare are very good with maintaining the protective functions of the skin and reducing transepidermal moisture loss. But for the adherents of such funds is important not only that, but the fact
what organic matter it is also a philosophy. Let organic dye wash out faster than the ammonia, and creams with natural extracts will not be able to smooth out severe wrinkles or clearing of pigment spots, there are things more important.
Cosmetic companies who play the organic game to be honest, not so much: too difficult to comply with all the conditions. But those who passed the selection, have every reason to be proud of their products. This organic market is more honest, says Italian dermatologist Marco Matheo. I respect people that buy the cream because I want to support the field workers, collecting cornflower blossoms in early June.


Hyaluronic acid – one of the most effective organic remedies. One molecule can contain up to 600 water molecules. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and has a regenerating, bactericidal and wound healing properties.

Rhodiola rosea – a plant of the legend of Tamerlane, gave the strength and endurance of its soldiers. Rhodiola has a profound rejuvenating effect on the skin, helps the skin to resist external impact.

Altai sea buckthorn is a unique plant that contains provitamin a, which is not destroyed even by heat treatment. Especially effective when exposed to the hair.

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