Monday 5 December 2016

Automatic switching

Automatic switching
By automatically switching the magnetic poles of the coil reverses when you reach the poles of the permanent magnet. Now they're not the unlike and like poles relative to the nearest pole of the magnet. Since like poles mutually repel, the coil continues to rotate and its poles are attracted to the corresponding poles on the other side of the magnet. This cycle is repeated, the direction of the current is changed each time the pole coils are arranged opposite the opposite poles of the permanent magnet, and the coil will rotate until it is deactivated the power source.
The rotating part of the electric machine is called the rotor (or armature) and a stationary stator. In a simple DC motor coil unit serves as a rotor and permanent magnet stator.
In some engines to create a magnetic field instead of permanent magnet using an electromagnet. Wire the coils of this electromagnet called the field winding.

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